
The health is out there

ONSF Post Surgery Update


There is nothing weirder than being in an operating room one minute and waking up in a post operation room the next.
Before I was hiding my nervousness with a smile as usual. I had to ask for a larger gown because the other one couldn’t contain my ass. Can’t be tamed. I’d never had major surgery before, I was scared I’d wake up in the middle of the procedure, that I might lose my vision in that eye permanently. One thing I wasn’t afraid of, the doctor operating on the wrong eye. Because the nurse put a huge blue dot above my right eye and then the surgeon came over and put an arrow above it as well. There was no question about which eye was going under the knife.
Coming out of anesthesia is seriously like the intro to apocalypse movies or video games. The only difference was I wasn’t ready to load up on weapons and high tail it out of there to save the world. I could barely get to the wheelchair, but I could see so there was one worry I had put to rest. I looked like I got into a really bad rap battle that ended in fist throwing. I blame the beanie.
A lot of icing, rest, pain medication and pampering by my husband Tim really helped in that first 24 hours. The next day the swelling went down quite a bit and it still really hurt to move my eye but again, I could still see.
The surgery was a success and I wasn’t having any post operation complications, all I need to do know was to rest up and try not to think about how missing the next week of work was going to make life really difficult, especially with Christmas coming up. Then we found out we were down a roommate too. Man when it rains it pours eh. But the surgery was a success, I have avoided going blind! I now have at least 6 months to continue on my weight loss quest without weight loss surgery. Its been a week and I have one more week to go before I can ease back into the gym again. I miss my quality time with the elliptical. It is far and away my favorite thing to do.
But rest assured I’ll be weighing in on Wednesday and the one after that and so on. Its less than a month until my 30th birthday. But that is a whole other post all together.
Things to take away from this. Don’t mistreat your body or it will rebel against you and that I am a fighter, I’ve given birth to two children and survived invasive eye surgery and saved my sight thanks to amazing doctors at Oregon Health Sciences University. I can do effing anything.

As always. Do the best you can with what you’re given and hopefully you’ll have a little left over to give someone else.

Author: ChristaDoodles

Mom|Wife|Illustrator|Sculptor|Fangirl. I love when fandoms collide, currently fighting #IIH

5 thoughts on “ONSF Post Surgery Update

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